Penland Post Office Project

Some PPOP board and community members gather to place the Historical Registry plaque. From left: Paulus Berensohn, Marcia Bailey, Geraldine Plato, Gloria Schulman, Norm Schulman, Becky Davis (Post Master), Lisa Goerhling
The Penland Post Office Project Board of Directors
Alicia Swaringen: chair
Suzanne Ford: treasurer
Dan Essing
Kit Paulson
A listing of our accomplishments to date will most likely leave off a thing or two but here are some that we can be really proud of:
National Historic Preservation Registry
Nonprofit status as a 5013c.
Raised $70,000+, including a 2 grants
Gained ownership of the building, the Office building and the land they sit on
Removed the Oak tree that fell on the back of the building and cleaned up the site
Stabilized the building
Have an architect’s planning document
We have a board of directors with 8
Ran a rummage stall in Spruce Pine with goods for sale and to display our brochure
Completed a brochure
A member raised more than $1000 creating and selling hand painted envelopes
A website
A facebook page with more than 450 followers
An email database for sending out newsletters (Mail chimp)
Have talked to many contractors about the project, including some who have experience with historical preservation and the codes that are involved
Got agreement from the Penland Bailey estate to donate the building and the land to our group
We have made repairs to the porch
We regraveled and graded the driveway twice
Repaired the chimney